Jared Bark
Daniel Gordon
– Home and studio — together or apart?
Together! My family and I live upstairs and my wife Ruby Sky Stiler and I keep studio’s downstairs.
– Do you have any daily rituals?
Coffee. Some kind of exercise, and then to the studio. Then something nice to transition from work to home–a drink or a nice snack.
– What is the first art book you remember?
I think perhaps a book about Leonardo da Vinci that was in my parents library. Funny, I can’t specifically remember, though I do recall very specifically an Egon Schiele poster that was hanging in our house.
– What is your studio/creative soundtrack?
It depends what I’m doing, but generally silence–sometimes radio, podcasts, or audiobooks.
– What is the favourite thing you have in your studio?
I suppose I should say my printer. It’s this machine, a technological wonder, that has moved my work into so many exciting and unexpected directions.
– Did you always want to be an artist?
No. I didn’t have any particular talent that was recognized when I was young. It wasn’t until my teenage years that my interest solidified into something real.
– What does a free day look like?
I love to play tennis. I love to go surfing, or hiking, or really do any sort of physical activity outside. I love my family and friends, and of course love to look at art. Good food is important too!
Books & Objects

© Andrés Altamarino

My favourite thing in the studio