Dear all,
We are very excited to announce that the second chapter of Vasantha Yogananthan’s long-term project A Myth of Two Souls, The Promise, is now available to pre-order here. The first 100 pre-orders will receive a free 18 x 24 cm C-print. Copies will ship 8 May 2017.
The Promise
First edition of 1000 copies
Photographs: Vasantha Yogananthan
Text: Arshia Sattar
Design: Kummer & Herrman
24,5 x 30 cm
63 photographs
116 pages
French / English
ISBN: 979-10-96383-01-6
Trade edition: 50€
Special edition: 500€ (direct enquiry)
Pre-orders are vital to keep this project on track.
Thanks for your support!