See you in July!

We look forward to meeting you on Friday, July 5th in Arles, on the terrace of the Palais bookshop, for a book signing by Ciro Battiloro.

Librairie du Palais is celebrating our 10-year anniversary: for a week, the bookshop is presenting a focus on our recent titles.

Friday, July 5th 2024
4 p.m.: Signing Silence is a Gift – Ciro Battiloro

Librairie du Palais
10 rue du Plan de la Cour
13200 Arles




Chose Commune opens its doors!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the studio, where you can browse through our books, limited editions, prints and much more.

Meet us on June, 25th & 26th, and from July 1st to July 4th
2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Chose Commune
32 rue de Bruys
13005 Marseille