Dear all,

It’s that time of year again! We are delighted to be back at Paris Photo for its grand return at Grand Palais, from November 7 to 10th (booth J07).

You will find our rare titles, best-sellers, latest books, and even two very new books hot off the press: between the skin and sea by Katrin Koenning and Popihuise by Vuyo Mabheka. A signing programme will punctuate our days at the fair with Katrin Koenning, Ciro Battiloro, Lia Darjes, Vuyo Mabheka, Rebecca Norris Webb, and Deanna Dikeman.

Paris Photo
Grand Palais
Chose Commune (Booth J07)
3 avenue du Général Eisenhower
75008 Paris

Public hours
From Thursday, November 7th to Saturday 9th: 1 am – 8 pm
Sunday, November 10th: 1 am – 7 pm



Thursday 07.11
2:00 pm
Katrin Koenning
between the skin and sea
(book launch)

5:00 pm
Ciro Battiloro
Silence is a Gift

Friday 8.11
2:00 pm
Lia Darjes
Plates I-XXXI

4:00 pm
Vuyo Mabheka
(book launch)

Saturday 9.11
2:00 pm
Rebecca Norris Webb
A Difficulty Is a Light

4:00 pm
Deanna Dikeman
Relative Moments


Thursday 07.11
4:00 pm
Lia Darjes

See you outside the fair for two other events:

On Saturday, November 9th, we hope to see you at Librairie Sans Titre, for a festive collective signing of all the photographers we published this year:

Ciro Battiloro
Lia Darjes
Deanna Dikeman
Katrin Koenning
Vuyo Mabheka
Rebecca Norris Webb

Librairie Sans Titre
6.30 pm – 9pm
2 rue Auguste Barbier
75011 Paris

Other signing on Saturday, November 9th:  

Rebecca Norris Webb will be at La Nouvelle Chambre Claire
for the signing of A Difficulty Is a Light
5 pm

La Nouvelle Chambre Claire
3, rue d’Arras
75005 Paris